Indian spinner Yuzvendra Chahal and his wife, Dhanashree Verma, are reportedly on the verge of separation after four years of marriage. The rumour mill went into overdrive after Chahal removed all photos with Dhanashree from his social media accounts and unfollowed her. Dhanashree, however, continues to display pictures of Chahal on her profiles.
On Saturday, Chahal posted a cryptic Instagram story, stating, “Hard work spotlights the character of people. You know your journey. You know your pain… Keep standing tall like a proud son always.” While he did not directly address his relationship, fans have interpreted it as a reflection of his current struggles.
Reports from sources close to the couple suggest that the separation is due to "irrevocable differences," and divorce appears "inevitable." Both have remained tight-lipped, neither confirming nor denying the reports.
The couple, who tied the knot on December 22, 2020, were celebrated for their chemistry and social media presence. Dhanashree, a popular YouTuber and choreographer, frequently supported Chahal in professional matters, but recent signs, including unfollowing each other on social media, point to trouble in paradise.
Fans, who have adored their love story since their engagement in August 2020, are disheartened by the news. For now, the cricketing community and fans alike await an official statement from the couple.