Dubai – Several women in the UAE have fallen victim to a social media scam involving counterfeit designer handbags, losing thousands of dirhams in the process. A European woman at the center of the controversy is accused of selling fake luxury bags under the pretense of offering authentic, high-end items at discounted prices. Victims, some of whom paid up to Dh2,000 per bag, were initially lured in by professional-looking social media posts and unboxing videos that showcased bags wrapped in branded packaging. However, their excitement quickly turned to disappointment when their purchases failed authenticity checks at designer stores.
Buyer Discovers Fraud After ‘Chanel’ Bag Fails Verification
Maria, a Bolivian expatriate in Dubai, was among the first to speak out about the scam. She purchased a Chanel bag for Dh2,000 from the seller, believing she had secured a deal, as similar models retail for around Dh9,000. However, after encountering online discussions about the seller’s questionable practices, Maria took her bag to a Chanel store for verification—only to learn it was counterfeit.
“When I confronted her for a refund, she rudely replied, ‘I’m not a store,’” Maria recounted. She later discovered that at least 20 women in a WhatsApp group had also been scammed, and the number of victims continues to grow. Maria has since filed a police complaint and is awaiting further updates.
Victims Reveal Devastating Losses
Another victim, a healthcare professional, reported that she bought 10 handbags between August and December 2024, spending between Dh1,500 and Dh2,000 per piece. She initially planned to gift some of them to friends and family but became suspicious when one of the bags appeared different. A visit to an official store confirmed that all 10 of her purchases were counterfeit.
One of the victims, who paid Dh2,000 for a bag, later found an identical counterfeit model selling for Dh200 in a counterfeit market, realizing she had overpaid by ten times the actual value.
“The seller presented herself as a wealthy individual and constantly reassured buyers that the bags were authentic,” another victim shared.
Online Community Reports Similar Incidents
Reports of the scam have surfaced in Facebook groups dedicated to pre-loved luxury fashion, such as Style Me Dubai, which has nearly 24,000 members. Multiple users have recounted experiences with counterfeit items, some advertised as VIP gifts or limited-edition pieces.
One buyer attempted to authenticate her purchase before finalizing the deal. However, when she suggested meeting for verification, the seller abruptly canceled the sale and disappeared, raising further suspicion.
Victims have provided chat screenshots, payment receipts, and photographs of counterfeit bags as evidence. Despite multiple attempts to reach the seller, she has not responded to inquiries. A man identifying himself as her husband briefly answered her phone before stating, “We don’t want to discuss this,” and hanging up.
Legal Experts Warn of Strict Penalties for Counterfeit Sales
Authorities have urged residents to remain cautious when purchasing luxury goods online. According to Dubai Customs, the UAE recorded 333 intellectual property disputes in 2023, leading to the seizure of 15 million counterfeit items valued at Dh73.4 million.
Saif Al Shamsi, founder and senior partner of The Legal Group, emphasized that UAE law strictly prohibits the sale, production, and possession of counterfeit goods for commercial purposes. “We work closely with authorities to protect intellectual property rights and ensure consumer safety,” he stated.
Meanwhile, Maha Bin Hendi, managing partner at Maha Bin Hendi Law Firm, highlighted Federal Decree Law No. 42 of 2023 on Combatting Commercial Fraud, which enhances consumer protection against counterfeit and misleading products.
“This law ensures fair trade practices and strengthens the UAE’s global competitiveness,” she said. Fines for selling counterfeit goods now range from Dh5,000 to Dh2 million, with prison sentences between six months and two years, depending on the severity of the offense.
Managers and individuals aware of fraudulent activities but failing to take action may also face severe penalties, including imprisonment.
Authorities Urge Caution and Authentication
To prevent further scams, residents are advised to verify luxury purchases through official brand stores and report suspicious sellers to authorities. Consumers can also request authenticity certificates and conduct independent verifications before completing high-value transactions.
As investigations continue, victims hope for justice, while authorities stress the importance of caution when purchasing high-end goods from unofficial sources.