At 81 years old, Salem Al Sharif, famously known as "Asad Al-Arab" or "The Lion of the Arabs," remains an icon of extraordinary physical feats. Born in Ras Al Khaimah, his legendary stunts included pulling 125kg with his teeth, lifting cars with his hair, and enduring vehicles driving over his body.
Al Sharif began his career at 17, captivating audiences across the UAE and Arab countries, including Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. His performances were a blend of technical precision and unparalleled strength.
One of his most memorable acts occurred in Bahrain, where he allowed a heavily loaded car to drive over his body. Despite the vehicle’s imbalance causing a painful impact, he reassured the crowd and completed the stunt, earning admiration for his resilience.
Over decades, Al Sharif’s feats brought fame but also injuries, leading to multiple surgeries. Critics accused him of trickery, but he consistently credited his faith and natural talent.
Though no longer performing due to injuries, Al Sharif stays active at 81, maintaining his fitness with home workouts. His legacy continues to inspire, showcasing the limits of human determination and strength.