Seven lucky residents have each won Dh100,000 in the latest UAE Lottery draw, having been selected for the ‘guaranteed prizes’ category. The winning numbers for this draw were 20, 11, 26, 29, 24, 30, and 12. While the numbers in the ‘Days’ section do not need to be in an exact order to win the grand jackpot of Dh100 million, the number in the ‘Month’ section—12 in this draw—must match precisely.
No Grand Prize Winner Yet
The grand prize remains unclaimed since the lottery’s inception in December. The odds of winning the Dh100 million jackpot are approximately 1 in 8.8 million, according to the lottery company’s website.
After the draw, the system selected seven Lucky Chance IDs, each of which won a ‘guaranteed’ prize of Dh100,000. The winning IDs were as follows:
- AO1322002
- AS1707086
- BJ3466876
- CC5331130
- BJ3492788
- CF5629891
- BX4868337
This draw also saw no second prize winner of Dh1 million. To win the second prize, players must match all six numbers in the 'Days' section correctly.
Other Prize Winners
A total of 47 players won the fourth prize of Dh1,000, which is awarded to those who match five numbers from the ‘Days’ section or four numbers from the ‘Days’ section along with one number from the ‘Month’ section. Additionally, more than 7,200 players claimed the fifth prize of Dh100.
The next UAE Lottery draw will take place on February 8, 2025. Prizes range from Dh100 to the grand jackpot of Dh100 million, depending on how many numbers are matched.
Past Winners and Their Dreams
Earlier this month, Peer Muhammad Azam, an Indian electrician, became the first person to win the Dh1 million prize. Azam, 41, had purchased 20 tickets collectively with his friends, and they agreed to share any winnings. He was “shocked” and “speechless” when his numbers were drawn live on air. Azam plans to participate again, hoping to claim the grand prize.
Other past winners have expressed their dreams of starting businesses, building homes, and saving for their futures, marking the UAE Lottery as a life-changing opportunity.
About the UAE Lottery
Launched in late 2023, the UAE Lottery is the first and only regulated lottery in the country, offering a grand prize of Dh100 million. Participants can purchase tickets for Dh50 online. Players must be over 18 years old and physically present in the UAE to enter the draw, which occurs bi-weekly.