Amid speculation about his retirement, Indian cricket captain Rohit Sharma has confirmed he is not stepping away from the game. The 38-year-old chose to miss the fifth Test against Australia in Sydney due to his poor performance, scoring only 31 runs in five innings during the series.
Speaking on the matter, Rohit said, "I am not in form, and the team needed a win. It was a hard decision, but it was the right one for the team." He reassured fans, "This is not retirement. I will keep playing and focus on improving. No one else can decide when I should stop."
Rohit’s absence allowed Shubman Gill to step into the team for the crucial final match of the series. Reflecting on his approach, Rohit stated, "For me, it’s always about the team. If stepping aside helps the team, then that’s what matters most."
His clear message: "I’m not going anywhere."