The Hijri month of Shaaban, which precedes the holy month of Ramadan, is likely to begin on Friday, January 31, 2025, according to astronomical calculations shared by the UAE Astronomy Centre on X (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday. Shaaban plays a crucial role in the Islamic calendar as it prepares Muslims for the fasting month of Ramadan, observed by millions worldwide.
Moon Sighting to Confirm Shaaban
On Wednesday, January 29, corresponding to the 29th of Rajab, 1446 AH, many Muslim countries will attempt to sight the crescent moon to mark the beginning of Shaaban.
However, Mohammad Shawkat Odeh, director of the Astronomy Centre, stated that the crescent moon would be impossible to see on this day in all regions of the Islamic world due to the moon setting before or at the same time as sunset.
As a result, these countries are expected to complete Rajab with 30 days, making Friday, January 31, the first day of Shaaban.
Moon Visibility Details
On Thursday, January 30, the crescent moon will become visible to the naked eye in several regions, including Muslim-majority countries, South Europe, Africa, and the United States.
This visibility timeline aligns with countries where Thursday corresponds to Rajab 29, confirming January 31 as the first day of Shaaban.
These countries include:
- Afghanistan
- Pakistan
- Iran
- Bangladesh
- Morocco
- Mauritania
- Cameroon
- Albania
When Will Ramadan Begin?
Muslim countries will observe the crescent moon sighting on Shaaban 29 to determine the beginning of Ramadan. Astronomical predictions indicate Ramadan is likely to start on Saturday, March 1, 2025, though this depends on geographical factors and visibility.